Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Emacs Font change

I install Debian in my personal laptop and using Mac OS X in my office. Of course, I install and use Emacs both environment. I selected Inconsolata as my favorite font, but recently I prefer Monaco and Osaka combination. This is a memo of …

launchctl command examples


In Mac OS X, using launchctl instead of init. This is a command of launchctl to use daemon process running on Mac OS X. sudo launchctl list This command lists up all daemon processes. sudo launchctl start $LABEL start $LABEL daemon process…

Mac Mail change "" automatically


I use Mail installed as default mailer in Mac. This change the pair of double quotation pair automatically, so this behavior bothered me. I found the way how to disable this change by following articles.…

Emacs SLIME configuration on Mavericks

I tried SLIME configuration on Debian wheezy before, but I couldn't. I write this try as SLIME Configuration on my Debian - Shammerism. I tried SLIME configuration again on my Mavericks, and finished without problems. ;;; SLIME (load (expa…

Emacs on OS X Font Config

I have been using Emacs font as following configuration. (when window-system (global-set-key [ns-drag-file] 'ns-find-file) (defvar fixed-width-use-QuickDraw-for-ascii t) (create-fontset-from-ascii-font "Inconsolata:slant=normal" nil "myfav…

Install skk-tools into Mavericks


I installed skk-tools into Mavericks in the same way as Shammerism, a lot of Warning messages output. $ make gcc -I. -I. -I. -g -O2 -o skkdic-expr ./skkdic-expr.c ./skkdic-expr.c:205:24: warning: passing 'unsigned char *' to parameter of t…

Couldn't install Homebrew


I couldn't install Homebrew into my Mac, version 10.9.2. The error message is below. ==> Downloading and installing Homebrew... fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate c…

Install AquaSKK

I installed AquaSKK into Office MacBookPro installed Mavericks. This is very nice! Install step is very easy and simple. Download AquaSKK from, today's latest version is 4.2(2013-05-12) Chan…

bash_profile aliases

I use tshark command for analyzing captured packets. But this command output has no time-format. My favorite option of tshark time-format is "-t ad", but it is boring to add this option every time. I add the alias to $HOME/.bash_profile as…

Copying to clipboard doesn't work on Emacs Terminal mode

I was faced with the problem which is similar as Mac OS Lion へ Emacs 24.3 をインストール - Shammerism at Emacs 24.3 on Mac OS X Mavericks. The step is ... Launch terminal emacs -nw Mark move cursor Try to copy by Ctrl-CC In my environment…


Purpose I discovered a Safari extensions, named UserCSS. This enable to manage css per URL. I launch web server at my localhost, and I would like to apply my own style sheet for only localhost access. This extensions let me enable what I w…

Install Wireshark into Mavericks


I try installing Wireshark into Mavericks, but Mavericks does not have X11 implementation already. After install Wireshark by Wireshark's dmg, the description about this will be popped up. Wireshark for Mac OS requires X11, so XQuartz whic…

Mac Mavericks に OpenOffice をインストール


持っていた iWorks が 2008 で、iWorks 2008 だと Number が真っ白な画面になってしまうので OpenOffice を入れることにした。しかし、、、Open Office も信頼されていない開発者とか出て開けない。 “OpenOffice” can’t be opened because it is from an uni…

LaunchDaemon plist file example


<plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>MyDaemon</string> <key>UserName</key> <string>root</string> <key>GroupName</key> <string>wheel</string> </dict></plist>

Mavericks apache config

Before Mavericks, at least Lion, Mac Users make apache enabled by System Configuration. In particular, checking web sharing checkbox enabled apache on localhost. But web sharing checkbox is removed on Mavericks, this means the change how t…

Emacs find-file default-directory

After upgrade Mac OS X from Lion to Mavericks, emacs find-file default directory was changed too. Before upgrade, find-file default directory is $HOME. After upgrade, find-file default become "/". I have no idea about the reason, but addin…

OS X Mavericks Install


I have installed OS X Mavericks today. I used Lion before installed Mavericks since July 2011. Before installed, there are a lot of library and applications which I tried to test, use only once or twice library so I think that I will re-in…

GoogleDrive permission change


Goals I want to see html files in GoogleDrive via local apache. But GoogleDrive files default permission is 600. I want to change these files permission, but chmod -R 755 doesn't work fine. Resolution cd $GoogleDriveWebContentsDirectory fi…

Mac Emacs SKK file sharing

Rsync command does not download even if upload directory contents are newer than source contents. Is this caused by bad option? I have no idea. But, I found more easier resolution with GoogleDrive. The step is below. Configure GoogleDrive …

LoginHook と LogoutHook


定義した LoginHook と LogoutHook を削除する方法を調べていて以下のサイトを見つけた。 Customizing Login and Logout削除するには、read や write のところを delete にすればよいとわかったが、同時に LoginHook と LogoutHook は Deprecated な仕組みだ…

Mac OS X での rsync コマンド


同じ rsync コマンドなのに OS によって微妙にオプションとかが異なるので・・・例によってメモ。Mac では以下のようにすればできた。 rsync -avu -e "ssh -p $SSH_PORT_NUMBER" $SOURCE_DIRECTORY $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:$TARGET_DIRECTORYここで指定す…

Mac OS X でのSSH公開鍵認証設定



Access Hunchentoot via mod_proxy

Hunchentoot document introduce how to access Hunchentoot behind a proxy. I tested this by Apache proxy.Mac OS X apache configuration files are based on /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. This file includes content from /etc/apache2/other/*, the foll…



I would like to avoid sync manually my emacs config files and SKK dictionary between my home MacBook Air and Office MacBook Pro. I searched services to enable my request and I discovered GoogleDrive. At first, I think rental server which a…

Mac のターミナル設定備忘録その2


ターミナルの設定の中に、起動と同時にコマンドを実行するという設定がある。具体的には、環境設定->設定->シェルの「コマンドを実行」のチェックをして、emacs -nwと入力。 設定を複製する。 もう一つターミナルを起動後、ウィンドウ->ウィンドウをグループ…

ClozureCL Quicklisp initialization

This is a copy from Quicklisp beta. Get quicklisp.lisp by curl -O Launch clozure common lisp by ccl or ccl64 command at the directory where quicklisp.lisp is saved. ccl64 --load quicklisp.lisp, lau…

Mac のターミナル設定備忘録


とりあえず、気に入った状態を保存しておくことにした。 起動時に開くはProを指定 新規タブを開く場合は、同じ設定、デフォルト作業ディレクトリ フォントは MeiryoKe_Console 12pt テキストでは以下にチェック テキストをアンチエイリアス処理 ボールドフォ…


自宅と会社とでSKKを使っていると、いつかこの言葉入力した記憶だけど・・・ということがよくある。いちいちどっちで記録したかまで覚えていられないから。なので、辞書のマージができないか調べてみた。どうやら、skkdic-expr とかいうコマンドがあるらしい…

change cookie by curl command

What is curl? This means cURL. Maybe URL client. This command has a lot of options which enable to control http access in detail. Most Basic command The most basic curl command is below. curl command only get an…


ルーティングについて、これまでは言葉しか知らなかったが、業務内容の都合上、一歩深い理解を求められるようになった。具体的には、 一つの OS が複数の NIC を認識する それぞれの NIC がそれぞれ別のネットワークへつながっている デフォルトゲートウェイ…