Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Emacs faced with the error again

Summary After upgrade my Mac to El Capitan, my Emacs faced with the error which I have resolved with Resolved the issue of 2016-02-12 - Shammerism. I resolved this again and this is a memo for me. Reason Newer openssl symbolic link is not …

curl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I would like to use curl latest version always, so I don't install curl via apt-get, install it from tar ball instead. But, I always see the following error message when executing curl. curl: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.s…

Create VM with virt-install on KVM

There is a command to create VMs in KVM, it is virt-install. This is an alternative of virt-manager which is a GUI management appliction for KVM to enable a lot of management operations for KVM host specified in creating VMs. For example, …

Install virt-manager as the client of KVM

I wrote an article to install virt-manager into Debian Jessie for KVM host. Today's article is the description to install virt-manager into Debian Jessie but this is not KVM host, for operating KVM via remote accessing on virt-manager. Vir…

Install KVM into Debian Jessie

This is an first article to install KVM into Debian Jessie based on the, kicked this article by Ubuntu 16.10 doesn't boot on my server - Shammerism. After OS install with the smallest options, selected only stan…

Ubuntu 16.10 doesn't boot on my server

I tried to install Ubuntu 16.10 on my office server, but there is no output on the screen. Install process seems to be good until installation done, but display doesn't show any characters after boot from HDD.I would like to use KVM for my…


今、Flets光とYahooBB(プレミアム)の契約をしている。しょっちゅう、Softbank光にしたら安くなりますよ的な案内があるので、ちょっと試算してみました。 まず、現在の利用料金ですが YahooBBプロバイダ料金 1566 フレッツ光利用料 5700 にねん割割引 -700 月…

Upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy

Here is a procedure I did to upgrade Squeeze to Wheezy. edit /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade Changed points of /etc/apt/sources.list Disable squeeze repository link and add wheezy repository link #…

Disabled mouse action on Emacs

Intoroduce disable-mouse package I was bothered Emacs unexpectedly pop up menu on my Jessie and looking for how to disable this pop up, and find a package to do it, named disable-mouse. This package is provided via melpa. Installation proc…

Install XFCE4 into my Jessie

I used GNOME desktop environment on my debian, but I have a compliant. That is that GNOME environment doesn't take over the mouse/trackpad configuration set by system setting. In detail, natural scrolling is disabled on some applications. …

How to connect PostgreSQL via Common Lisp Application?

I found the link to describe the way how to handle PostgreSQL from Common Lisp application. There is a library named clsql. I have not tried it yet but this is a memo. I will try later when I can take a time.

jQuery Calendar doesn't work if multi text boxes in same HTML are using them

I use jQuery calendar input with the way I wrote in this article. It works fine if calendar is used from only one text box, but multi text boxes use calendar input at the same time, only first one shows up the calendar, ant the other text …

Debugging rows gotten by JSTL sql:query

I have some questions written in this article. Sometimes I want to handle the data gotten by sql:query, those can be accessed with the expression like ${}. I don't know the class using as row in following JSTL. At first, trying to cl…

HTML Calendar Input Form with jQuery

I want to use HTML text form input with calendar, and I found the way in this article. That requires jQuery libraries links. Here is a procedure. Adding following lines in HTML header section. <script src=""></script>

Searching JSTL document and found the answer

Looking for the detail about JSTL c:set because of JSTL helps us but... not clear for me... - Shammerism and found following - I can pass a variable from a JSP scriptlet to JSTL but not from JSTL to a JSP scriptlet without an err…

JSTL helps us but... not clear for me...

I used JSTL SQL tag, it is very useful to implement web application to access the Database! I used JSTL SQL tag like below in this article, but I faced with some problems. <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ taglib uri="h…

I may not need Safari Extension like Tab Mix Plus of Firefox


I desired Safari extension to enable displaying a lot of tabs with multi rows like Tab Mix Plus which is a one of extensions for Firefox. This extension is very useful for me, but there is no extension like it at least I was looking for. A…

How to define the SQL parameter in JSTL?

There is a JSTL to execute SQL, that is sql:query. I want to execute SQL with WHERE sentence in JSP with using HTTP request parameter in WHERE conditions. This is a sample. <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ taglib uri="…

Enable TCP Fast Open on Debian Jessie

According to TCP FAST OPENとは? | REDBOX Labo, TCP Fast Open is supported on Linux since Kernel 3.6. The kernel of Debian Jessie is 3.16, so it is likely available. The configuration value is /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen. The value of …

Ant Task Examples - 2016-06-02

Here is a basic example of Apache Ant task. Define properties, using this value ${property} like valuables <property name="" value="" /> <property name="tomcat.port" value="8080" /> <property name="username" value="tomcat" /> <property name="password" value="password" /> Java…</property></property></property></property>

MacOS security update makes openssl version reset

I was faced with the issue that it takes for a while to launch Emacs GUI version and resolved it by the way written as Resolved the issue of 2016-02-12 - Shammerism. But this setting is reset by MacOS X security update. So, I looked for ot…

JSTL if-else sample with c:out

This is my memo. We can write JSP with using c:choose and c:when, c:otherwise behave as if-else syntax. This example inclues c:forEach and sql:query also. Getting some data from database with sql:query, and show them with c:forEach loop an…

How to accept the connection from remote host on PostgreSQL?

I use the postgresql with tomcat, related articles are PostgreSQL JDBC Driver on tomcat8 - Shammerism and Test connecting PostgreSQL DB from tomcat8 - Shammerism, but these article is the case that tomcat and postgresql are running on the …

web.xml config template for Restful Application

The web.xml file included war archive of Java WebApp tends to be bigger with a lot of URIs if there are a lot of functions like Restful Web Service Applications. The maintenance of such applications is very mistakable. The debugging URI mi…

Apache Ant Install into MacOS

Here is a procedure to install Apache Ant manually. Check the latest version at Apache Ant Site Getting latest version ZIP Expand the ZIP(automatically expanded into $HOME/Downloads, I believe) sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ant sudo cp $ANT_…


Java16進数演算 on String - Shammerismで、自分で16進数の演算をやるようにしてみたが、なんかもっとうまいやり方がありそうな気がして調べたら・・・あった。標準ライブラリでできる。Integer.parseInt(String, int)とかInteger.toString(int, int)を使用…

Java16進数演算 on String

Javaで16進数の計算を行いたい。でも、Hexadecimalというようなクラスはない。String/Integer/Doubleなどのようにあってほしかったが。 とりあえず、16進数の任意の値を文字列で受け取り、それを計算する例。 public class Hexadecimal { private static fin…

Directory traversal check with Lisp

I want to write code to check directory traversal. In other words, replace ".." with other values if strings includes "..". For example, the string "/aaa/../index.html" should be replaced with "/index.html". And I want to write this code a…


目的 Lispのパッケージで可読性が・・・ - Shammerismで、同一パッケージのソースコードを複数ファイルに分割可能とわかった。次のステップとしてアプリ・システム全体で独自のコンディションを使用してみる。個々の処理ごとに発生する可能性のあるコンディ…


パッケージを多用した際の問題点 load したファイルで in-package しているとどうなる? - Shammerismで書いた内容に近いだろうか。Lispで大きいアプリケーションを書いていると、メソッド呼出の際のパッケージ名があちこちに入ってコードが読みにくくなる。…