自作 concat - Ver20130205 - Shammerismで作成したconcatを定義したファイルを、.ccl-init.lispからloadしているが、別パッケージでこのconcatを使用するとエラーになることが判明。 ? (defpackage "P1" (:use "COMMON-LISP" "CCL" "COMMON-LISP-USER")) #<Package "P1"> </package>…
何らかの処理の書かれたファイルを読み込み、その返り値を受け取る、ということができないか試してみた。単純にloadしただけでは、ファイルのPATHが返されて期待した動作にならなかった。 ? (defparameter x (load "/tmp/aaaa.lisp")) X ? x #P"/tmp/aaaa.li…
This is a next step of Generate a certitifate and a private key of OCSP Responder - Shammerism This step is similar with Generate a certitifate and a private key of OCSP Responder - Shammerism, but using openssl config file is different be…
This is a next step of Generate a certitifate and a private key of intermediate CA - Shammerism According to OCSPの動作 - Shammerism, OCSP responder certificate requires following extensions. extendedKeyUsage = OCSPSigningSo, openssl confi…
This is a next step of Generate Root CA certificate whose extensions are equivalent as DigiCert Global Root CA - Shammerism Based on My CA preparation supporting OCSP - Shammerism, the certificate of intermediate CA should include OCSP URL…
This is the following article of My CA preparation supporting OCSP - Shammerism. The first step is build up my own root CA. Article title includes But root CA is simple because there is no need both CRL Distribution Points and AIA when roo…
This is a next step of CRL vs OCSP - Shammerism. The OCSP test with openssl I did before in OpenSSLのOCSPはURLEncodeされたOCSPリクエストを処理できない?その4 - Shammerism, OCSP responder can not be implemented on normal web servers like apa…
I forgot since when, my debian outputs the message like below when executing apt-get update. W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 9D6D8F6BC857C906 W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 763…