Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Bug fix for get-current-element-name

I wrote EmacsLisp function whose name is get-current-element-name in What kind of elements is Emacs cursor in? - Shammerism, but I found a bug. This bug finishes with error and not modifies a buffer content, so this bug affect isn't big. T…

Infinite KeepAlive Simple HTTP Server with python socket library

In Python Socket Server with socket library - Shammerism, I wrote a simple http server with python. This always returns same response and HTTP Request parsing is not sufficient. And there are a lot of lacks, this should be used only for te…

What kind of elements is Emacs cursor in?

I enhanced Is Emacs cursor in &lt;p&gt; or &lt;div&gt;? - Shammerism. In previous release, only <p> and <div> can be detected, but this version enables all elements. Not only this version can handle more elements, but also implementation becomes m</div></p>…

Enable sticky key in Debian

I found the way how to use sticky keyboard in Debian. This function has been supported already at OS layer. Open System Settings Click Universal Access Select Typing tab Change Sticky Keys to ON I use UIM-SKK version 1.8.1 installed by apt…

Is Emacs cursor in or ?

I always write HTML documents almost every day. And I use some EmacsLisp functions including I wrote by myself. Sometime I would like to make Emacs judged where the cursor is in, what kind of HTML elements. This function helps in such a ca…

Python Socket Server with socket library

I wrote python socket server in Python Socket Server - Shammerism, but this is using SocketServer. This can't be changed flexibly so I write again with socket library. #!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import socket from socket import …

Python Collection 20150301

This is a next version of Python Collection 20150209 - Shammerism. Adding argparse examples. If-else if x > 0: print "X is bigger than 0." else: print "X is less than 0." If-elif-else if x > 0: print "X is bigger than 0." elif x == 0: prin…