Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria



そのままズバリな名前の関数ではなかったのでメモ。ashという関数を使用する。 ? (ash 32 5) 1024 ? (ash 23 2) 92 ? (ash 32 1) 64 ? (ash 64 -1) 32 ? (ash 32 -5) 1 ? (ash 32 -6) 0 ? (ash 32 -7) 0 ? ashは引数を二つ取る。一つはもとになる数(この数に…

Theme change

I used 90 as hatena diary theme, but this is often collapsed. I have changed hatena-orange, it is more stable layout than 90.

DNS Bind Configuration Index

This is an index for configuring bind. Bind Install & Configuration on Debian - Shammerism Bind Logging Configuration - Shammerism Bind forwarder option - Shammerism DNS Bind zone file configuration - Shammerism DNS Bind SOA file - Shammer…

DNS Bind SOA file

This article is about the SOA files which is referenced from zone file described at DNS Bind zone file configuration - Shammerism's article. SOA file should have some elements. Here is a sample of the SOA of, defined as /etc/b…

DNS Bind zone file configuration

This is a consecutive article of DNS forward and delegate - Shammerism, about zone file location, not zone file itself. This file includes authority domain and type, it is a master or slave, and forwarder. The forwarder in this section is …


普通にformatを使ってファイルに~%を書き出そうとすると、~%でなく改行と認識されてしまい期待通りにならない。 ? (with-open-file (file "aaa.l" :direction :output) (format file "~%")) NIL ? これで書き出されたaaa.lは以下のように改行だけ(何も表示さ…


CommonLisp Hyper Specによれば、with-standard-io-syntaxは以下のように定義されている。 Within the dynamic extent of the body of forms, all reader/printer control variables, including any implementation-defined ones not specified by this stan…

Supporting SSL/TLS version changed on apache2

Adding SSLProtocol Directive to /etc/apache2/site-available/default-ssl like below. SSLProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2I can add this config to apache 2.2.22.