Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria




OpenSSLのs_clientにはshowcertsというオプションがあり、それを使用することで証明書の内容を表示できる。この表示された証明書のみを保存すれば証明書を取得できる。以下のような感じで実行する。 $ openssl s_client -connect $Host:443 2>&1 < /dev/null…

DNS forward and delegate

Introduction I have a question about the difference between DNS forward and delegate, I referred this point in this article. And I found the article about DNS sub-domain,…

Bind forwarder option

What is DNS forwarder? DNS forwarder is like an upper DNS servers. If some DNS server receives a query which is not owned as authority, the DNS server can forward the request to other DNS servers. Those other DNS servers who work as a reso…

Install HP Printer Driver on Debian wheezy

I use HP PhotoSmart printer, and can get and install driver by this site procedure. This is my memo. su - apt-get update apt-get install avahi-utils apt-get install libcups2 apt-get install libcups2-dev apt-get install cups-bsd apt-get ins…

Missing Power Off Icon on Debian Wheezy - version 2

I wrote Missing Power Off Icon on Debian wheezy - Shammerism before, but I discover my mistake. I wrote that gnome-tweak-tool is required to show shutdown button, but this is not required on wheezy 7.6. That may not be my mistake, but vers…

Bind Logging Configuration

Steps mkdir /var/log/named chown bind /var/log/named chgrp bind /var/log/named generate /etc/bind/named.logging.conf with following content. add following line to /etc/bind/named.conf check config with "named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf…

Using Tomcat Deployer via ant

Download Tomcat Deployer from Apache Site Expand Deployer's tar.gz file anywhere you like(call the directory tomcat.deployer.dir) Generate build.xml Add following element to build.xml <path id="classpath.tomcat"> <fileset dir="${topmcat.dir}/lib/"> <include name="*.jar" /> …</include></fileset></path>

Tomcat daemon configuration on Debian

According to Apache Tomcat 7 (7.0.92) - Tomcat Setup, tomcat can be invoked as UNIX daemon. And installation step is explained in this document. This requires JDK and gcc. I try this by following steps. This article is an additional one of…

Java environment setup on Debian by using /etc/profile.d

This is a replacement of Install JavaSDK and apache-tomcat on Debian - Shammerism. The script files located at /etc/profile.d/ are invoked during boot. I generate JDK installation step is same as above article. expor…