Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria




I investigate a little about certificates information generated by DigiCert which supports OCSP in the past, the article is OpenSSLのOCSPはURLEncodeされたOCSPリクエストを処理できない?その2 - Shammerism. And I failed enabling OCSP Stapling …

First try OCSP Stapling on Debian Jessie but failed

This is a subsequent article of Apache 2.4 bundled as default on Debian Jessie - Shammerism. I tested enabling OCSP Stapling on Apache. A lot of sites tell the way how to configure apache to enable OSCP Stapling, for example How To Configu…

Apache 2.4 bundled as default on Debian Jessie

I'm using Debian wheezy mainly, but Debian Jessie's apache version seems to be 2.4. And this version supports OCSP Stapling. I wrote about OCSP before, one of them is OCSPの動作 - Shammerism, it has passed about 2 years. But, Jessie's apac…



SSL証明書のDNがUS?仕様になっているので、日本仕様に変えたいと思って方法を調べていたら・・・スッカリ忘れていたが過去に自分でやっていた(OpenSSL の DName 項目変更 - Shammerism。これを参考にやってみたが、作成された証明書のDNが数字になってしまう…

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

認証プロトコルの一つで、CHAPという略称でよく見かける。詳細を把握していなかったが、ちょっと調べる機会があったので流れをメモ。 サーバーで適当なデータ(予測不能なデータ)を作成しクライアントに送る クライアントは、このデータに自分のパスワードで…

Bash Shell Script Collection - 20150512

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150221 - Shammerismの内容に、大文字と小文字を無視して比較する方法を追加。 if 文 sample if basic if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage: $0 [123]"; exit 1; fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then echo "You are number#1."…

Internal BGP difference

There are 3 Internal BGP protocols, RIP, RIP2 and OSPF. This is about difference but this is a just memo. How to detect route informations not owned by themselves RIP and RIP2 always advertise the route informations which they own OSPF rec…

Check valuables when ClozureCL Debugger launched

Running some functions on ClozureCL, errors are sometime happened and debugger is launched like below. ? (defvar *global* 99999) *GLOBAL* ? (format t *global*) > Error: The value 99999 is not of the expected type STRING. > While executing:…

ClozureCL Debugger :R

When compiling lisp source code based on the ClozureCL, some error happened by miss-coding. At that time, the following message like below output. > Error: There is no package named "CORE-CONSTANT" . > While executing: CCL::%PARSE-TOKEN, i…