Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Using NetworkManager on Debian

Change how to manage Debian network Debian has a network management application named NetworkManager. I have ever configured my Debian's network configuration by writing /etc/network/interfaces manually. It is no problem if I would like to…

How to connect Starbucks Free Wifi on my Debian?

Starbucks provides free Wifi at stores. We can use this free Wifi at Starbucks with registering some informations from at_STARBUCKS_Wi2.But there is no explanation how to connect their wifi by Linux commands. This stands to reason because …

Emacs on OS X Font Config

I have been using Emacs font as following configuration. (when window-system (global-set-key [ns-drag-file] 'ns-find-file) (defvar fixed-width-use-QuickDraw-for-ascii t) (create-fontset-from-ascii-font "Inconsolata:slant=normal" nil "myfav…

Install vsftpd into Debian Squeeze

Install vsftpd I use Debian Squeeze as server for test. I have no article about vsftpd so I write this article as my memo. The procedure to configure vsftpd is below. su - apt-get update apt-get install vsftpd edit /etc/vsftpd.conf comment…

Missing Power Off Icon on Debian wheezy

I have no idea why, but I faced with the fact that there is no icon about shutdown in the menu showed by click username at the right-top Desktop. I found how to show Power Off icon. apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool apt-get install gnome-sh…

Favorite aliases

Debian whezzy has $HOME/.bash_aliases. This is invoked from $HOME/.bashrc if this file exists. I write aliases which I prefer to. alias ccl='ccl -K :UTF-8' alias ccl64='ccl64 -K :UTF-8' alias tshark='tshark -t ad' alias tcpdump='tcpdump -n…

How to share skk user-dictionaries between ibus-skk and ddskk?

I installed ibus-skk a couple weeks ago and have been using ibus-skk. But I have a question about user-dictionary that ibus-skk wouldn't save my translate recordings.This reason is very simple because there is no directory where ibus-skk d…

replace ifconfig to ip

I have used ifconfig when configure network interfaces. But, my colleague recommends ip command. So I note the basic procedure how to configure ethernet by ip command. ip link set $ETHER_NAME up ip addr add $IP_ADDRESS/$SUBNET brd + dev $E…