Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Resolve the message "No access configuration" of snmptrapd

In my article written at a couple of day ago, I could configure to receive snmp trap from other network devices or softwares. But, my configuration was not sufficient because of the message "No access configuration - dropping trap". This m…

Configure SNMP on Debian Jessie

I have configured SNMP on Debian wheezy before, but it is a very simple and basic. There is a memo in this article. I tried on same thing on Jessie, but snmptrapd doesn't seem to be installed. SNMP configuration procedure might be changed …

LISP IO Samples 20150820

LISP IO Samples 20120825 - Shammerismに一部追加。 File 読み込み (with-open-file (input-stream "$READ_FILE_NAME" :direction :input) (loop (let ((line (read-line input-stream nil 'eof))) (if (eql line 'eof) (return)) (format t "~A~%" line)))…

UDP Echo Client ver 20150816

My latest UDP Echo Client is written in this article. This client has informations about destination UDP Server, but it is more better to pass the destination informations as command line arguments. Today's client is upgraded based on this…

Python UDP Echo Server ver 20150813

This is an upgraded version of my python UDP Echo Server written in UDP Echo Server with python version 20150802 - Shammerism. Adding argparse and this version can be set listen port as the command line argument. #!/usr/bin/env python impo…

UDP Echo Server with python version 20150802

This is a upgraded python echo server of UDP Server by Python - Shammerism. Upgraded point is server side message to include client socket information. #!/usr/bin/env python import socket from contextlib import closing from time import cti…

SSH Mount on Mac


I found the way how to mount remote directories on Mac and noted the link in this article. But I didn't try it at that time, and do it today. It is easier than I thought. Install FUSE for OS X Install sshfs create mount point directory ssh…

SIP test on Debian

The deb package "sip-tester" has a command line tool named sipp, this would help to test SIP protocol. The server demo is by sipp -sn uas The client demo is sipp -sn uac $ServerIP