Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Basic DNS Configuration

What DNS Server should do? Basic DNS server functions are below. DNS Server configuration files Manage own zone Resolver DNS Server configuration files are depended on the DNS Server. I use bind so I will write about bind config files. The…


この記事について 業務でSRIOVについて触れる機会があった。言葉は聞いたことがあるが、詳細はよくわからなかったので内容をメモ。 SRIOVとは Single Root I/O Virtualization の略のようだ。要は、VMがNICにアクセスする際に管理VMやハイパーバイザを経由せ…

Send HTTP Request with python

Before I wrote python http client with python socket in this article, but this is not a socket version, using httplib. GET connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) connection.request("GET", uri) response = json.loads(connection.getrespon…


[AWK]AWKからのファイル書き出し AWK NR Sample Script - Shammerismでは、選択対象を標準出力に書き出ししたが、これを特定のファイルに書き出したい。方法はいくつか考えられるが、最もシンプルなのは $ ./awk-script.awk somefile.txt > newfile.txt $と…

AWK NR Sample Script


I wrote about AWK NR in this article, so today I translate this one liner awk command to script. It is below. #!/usr/bin/awk -f { for(i=6;i<=NF;i++){ printf "%s ", $i; } printf "\n"; } Here is a log that executed above script. $ echo "aaa …




Dropbox auto launch configuration

If Dropbox installed by following command, Dropbox wouldn't be launched automatically. cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -Adding following code to .profile required after executing above command…

Mac Mail change "" automatically


I use Mail installed as default mailer in Mac. This change the pair of double quotation pair automatically, so this behavior bothered me. I found the way how to disable this change by following articles.…

Install uim-1.8.6 from source instead of apt-get

I would like to use sticky-shift with uim-skk. According to Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting., sticy-shift is supported since 1.8.2. But, uim-skk installed by apt-get seems version 1.8.1. So, I can no…