Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Debian Stretch Install Procedure

In this article, I said that I would try Debian Stretch installing my Thinkpad. This is a procedure. Download ISO included non-free firmware from this site Burn this ISO into CD-R or DVD-R Boot from this CD-R or DVD-R Select Expert Install…

QUERY is very useful!!!

I have never been digging GoogleSpreadSheet, but this product(should say as service?) has great functions. I amaze Query. This function requires at least 3 parameters, 1st is the range, 2nd is a condition which values I would like to filte…

Dropbox Installation supported by apt-get

At Debian Stretch, Dropbox can be installed via apt-get. Before Jessie, a Linux user has to install Dropbox with the deb package file of dropbox whose name is like a dropbox_YYYY.MM.DD_amd64.deb. I wrote this step at Dropbox auto launch co…

Debian Stretch Debut!

I installed Debian Stretch on my Thinkpad X1 Carbon which I bought several years ago, same laptop as I wrote in this article. I have been waiting for a long time fixing GNOME desktop bug that natural scroll does't work properly. On this re…

Error when applying free 100GB google drive

I bought a new tablet ASUS Xen Pad 3 8.0 whose code is Z581KL. This is attached a right to expand google drive 100GB for 2 years. But I could not redeem it. Even if this is a first time to redeem it. In my research, there are several point…


本日カード到着!!!! もともとANAのVISAカードを使っていたが、何となくメインのクレジットカードを切り替えたいと思い、ANAのマイレージを貯める - Shammerismで言及したポイントカードでANAダイナースのキャンペーンを見つけたので申し込みをしてみた。そし…