Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Python most basic FIN handling

Almost computer languages can handle socket that enables connecting other hosts or listening from other hosts. And a user should master how to handling sockets via those APIs, like opening a listen port, connecting other hosts, closing soc…

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150221

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150217 - Shammerismの内容に、ifのandとorの指定方法を追加。 if 文 sample if basic if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage: $0 [123]"; exit 1; fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then echo "You are number#1."; elif [ $1 -eq…

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150217

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150213 - Shammerismの内容にBash 終了判定 - Shammerismの内容を追記。こんな記事書いていたんだと思った。。。 if 文 sample if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage: $0 [123]"; exit 1; fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then e…

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150213

Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20120813 - Shammerismの続編。前回書いてからもいろいろ書いているが全然まとめていない。。。ひょんなことから、同一ディレクトリ内の全てのファイルに同様の接頭辞をつけるような名前変更をやったが、数が多いと…

Python Collection 20150209

Recently, the case using python is getting more and more gradually. But, I have used python not high frequently so I forget a lot of things and whenever I look for the way how to write basic python code. It is not reasonable. So I begin co…

How to generate server certificates supported Kx=DH, Au=DSS?


This is a series of SSL Cipher Check Start!!! - Shammerism Generate a DH parameter file Generate a DSA certificate Running openssl s_server with using those files Access from same host using with the script in this article Generate a DH pa…

How to use openvpn client on Debian?

LinuxをクライアントでOpenVPN is a reference site. If you had openvpn configuration files already, this is very easy. apt-get update apt-get install openvpn cp $OPEN_VPN_CONFIG_FILES /etc/openvpn openvpn /etc/openvpn/***.ovpn & OpenVPN file…