Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


Copying to clipboard doesn't work on Emacs Terminal mode

I was faced with the problem which is similar as Mac OS Lion へ Emacs 24.3 をインストール - Shammerism at Emacs 24.3 on Mac OS X Mavericks. The step is ... Launch terminal emacs -nw Mark move cursor Try to copy by Ctrl-CC In my environment…


背景 東急線沿線に住んでいる身としては、東急と相性のいいJALカードを持ってマイルを貯めよう、と思っていたが、会社の出張で飛行機に乗る際に、ANA というか、スターアライアンスの航空会社を指定されることが多いことが判明した。しかし、JAL の魅力とい…

try tcpreplay

Steps capture packet which I need to re-send check above step packet by tcpdump -r XXX.pcap -X tcpreplay -i $ETH_NAME $CAPTURED_PACKET packet capturing record open 2 terminal windows execute "tcpdump -i $ETH_NAME $FILTER" at one window exe…

Using IP address as Apache ServerName directive

This blog is a feedback to Shammerism. I would like to use IP address as Apache ServerName directive. This blog is steps how to use IP address as ServerName. Adding IP address to /etc/hosts Adding ServerName directive to /etc/apache2/site-…



Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name

When restarting apache2 in my VPS, this message is always output. Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ... waiting apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for XXXXXXXXXX mean…


Purpose I discovered a Safari extensions, named UserCSS. This enable to manage css per URL. I launch web server at my localhost, and I would like to apply my own style sheet for only localhost access. This extensions let me enable what I w…

Install Wireshark into Mavericks


I try installing Wireshark into Mavericks, but Mavericks does not have X11 implementation already. After install Wireshark by Wireshark's dmg, the description about this will be popped up. Wireshark for Mac OS requires X11, so XQuartz whic…

clisp ext:*args* bug?

I could not use ext:*args* with Quicklisp. My example is consist of 2 lisp files. The first file is args.lisp, this is a copy of (defun args () #+allegro (system:command-line-arg…