Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria




Using PHP on Debian apache2

I am using Debian and Apache2 in my test environment, just returning some text via http. In my purpose, I hope that apache2 returns timestamp and hostname and use python to do it. Here is a python script doing it. #!/usr/bin/env python fro…

ムームードメインで取得したドメインをRoute53(Amazon DNS Cloud)で管理する


Does NTP work correctly with enabled Tokyo Daylight Saving Time?

I have heard that there is a possibility to start summer time, Daylight Saving Time, at Tokyo within years, around Tokyo Olympic. So I investigated if ntpd would work under daylight saving time at Tokyo. The ntpd module of almost Linux dis…

Enable VM tag vlan on ESXi

According to this site, ESXi supports 3 patterns vlan. 1st is Virtual Switch tagging, 2nd is External Switch tagging, 3rd is Virtual Guest tagging. Virtual Switch tagging In this environment, ESXi physical NIC sends out packets with vlan t…

Japanese Locale Configuration

I wrote an article about Debian locale configuration at Debian Locale Configuration - 20180613 - Shammerism, this is based on LANG=C. Here is a procedure how to configure Japanese locale. Edit /etc/locale.gen and remove comment of the line…

Debian Locale Configuration - 20180613

I wrote an article about the Debian locale in Debian Locale Configuration - Shammerism, but I noticed /etc/environment is not recommended, it is a likely old configuration file. Now we should use /etc/default/locale. This is a sample using…

How to resolve package dependency errors after upgrade from wheezy to stretch?

I upgraded wheezy to stretch with apt-get like below. edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change distribution strings "wheezy" to "stable" apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade New sources.list is below. #deb wheezy…

SSH access failure with "Too many authentication failures for $USER"


I don't remember since when correctly, but I faced with the problem ssh access failure with the message "Too many authentication failures for $USER". There is no problem if trying ssh access from other host, it is the problem only my main …

Accessing tomcat8 application but received Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

I build war application first time in age, but response is not expected the one, but UnsupportedClassVersionError. $ curl <html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/8.0.14 (Debian) - Error report</title><style type="text/css">H1 {font-family:Tahoma,…</head></html>

git pull automation on High Sierra


This is required 2 files at least, one is the script to run git pull, and the other is the plist file to invoke the script. Procedure is below. Generate the script Generate the plist file in $HOME/Library/LaunchAgent script sample #!/bin/b…





AquaSKK with Karabiner 環境でスラッシュがShift扱いに? - Shammerismで、AquaSKKのキーバインドは/Library/Input Methods/で編集できることがわかった。書式はAquaSKK Wiki - AquaSKK - OSDNの「keymap.confの…

AquaSKK with Karabiner 環境でスラッシュがShift扱いに?


AquaSKKで日本語入力モードの際に、FとJの同時タイプで漢字変換扱い(Shiftモード)にするようにKarabinarのオプション - Shammerismで設定したが、意識していなかったがスラッシュを入力したときにも変換扱いになってしまっていた。そのため、スラッシュを入…

VPS Cloud 申し込み停止中・・・

独自ドメイン運用のため、DNSサーバーとして動作させるVPSサービスを検索していて、NTTコミュニケーションズのものが月額360円で利用できるようでいいと思っていたが、、、在庫を確保できないらしく申し込み停止となっていた。 トップページのリンクはここだ…