Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


SSL Server Cipher Check Client with python

I wrote similar scripts which I will write in this article. The latest one of those is Python SSL Client for checking ciphers supported on the server - Shammerism. This version can be check only one cipher at one execution, but I wrote the…

Python SSL Client for checking ciphers supported on the server

This is an upgraded script of Python SSL Client disabled server certificate verification - Shammerism. The ssl socket generated by httplib.HTTPSConnnection can be initialized with the SSL Context. Then, we can define the cipher to be able …

EmacsLisp Collections - 20150419

EmacsLispのサンプル集。他にpythonやLisp、bash などで書いているがそれと同じような位置付けのもの。他のものと比較して書く頻度が少ないだけに忘れがちだが、そういうときに参照するためのもの。他の言語と異なり、目的はテキスト編集が大半ということも…

Multi Thread Infinite KeepAlive Simple HTTP Server with python socket library

This is an update of Infinite KeepAlive Simple HTTP Server with python socket library - Shammerism with conbined the content of Using Python Thread - Shammerism. #!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import socket import threading from soc…

Python SSL Client disabled server certificate verification

Sample code I wrote same as above in Remote SSL Server cipher check script with python - 20150130 - Shammerism. In this article, I used socket library but I can't completely disable server certificate verification. But, httplib can do this…

Using Python Thread

Python supports thread execution. This is so similar with Java. Inherit Thread class and override run method Mapping some function to Thread and start that Thread Inherit Thread class #!/usr/bin/env python import threading class MyThread(t…

How to hide username from login screen?

Username will be shown at login screen after creating user by useradd. But, there are those who would like username not to be shown at login screen, I want to make username disappeared at least. The command usermod enables this. usermod -u…