Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Mavericks apache config

Before Mavericks, at least Lion, Mac Users make apache enabled by System Configuration. In particular, checking web sharing checkbox enabled apache on localhost. But web sharing checkbox is removed on Mavericks, this means the change how to enable apache.

I discovered the site referenced about this change, the site is Mac OSX MavericksでのApache設定メモ - Qiita. I quoted the essence. Thanks!

  1. sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
  2. sudo apachectl restart

According to this site, apache root document directory is /Library/WebServer/Documents.
I dislike typing my user account into URL for accessing $HOME/Sites directory contents. So I create a symbolic links at /Library/WebServer/Documents by the following command.

cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
sudo ln -s /Users/XXX/Sites/pukiwiki pukiwiki
cd pukiwiki
find . | xargs chmod 777