Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria


jQuery Calendar doesn't work if multi text boxes in same HTML are using them

I use jQuery calendar input with the way I wrote in this article. It works fine if calendar is used from only one text box, but multi text boxes use calendar input at the same time, only first one shows up the calendar, ant the other text …

HTML Calendar Input Form with jQuery

I want to use HTML text form input with calendar, and I found the way in this article. That requires jQuery libraries links. Here is a procedure. Adding following lines in HTML header section. <script src=""></script>


Webページのコンテンツを書くとき、画像を使いたいときがある。画像と言ってもそんなにこったものでなく、単純な丸とか四角とか楕円とか、そんなレベルでいい。これまでは、そういう簡単な画像を png やら tiff やら、何らかの画像ファイルとして用意して、H…