Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

try tcpreplay


  1. capture packet which I need to re-send
  2. check above step packet by tcpdump -r XXX.pcap -X
  3. tcpreplay -i $ETH_NAME $CAPTURED_PACKET

packet capturing record

  1. open 2 terminal windows
  2. execute "tcpdump -i $ETH_NAME $FILTER" at one window
  3. execute command to send packets to be replayed, in the below example, this command is curl.
  4. stop tcpdump
[root@client ~]# tcpdump -i eth1 host -w xxx.pcap 
tcpdump: listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
^C10 packets captured
10 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
[root@client ~]# curl

tcpreplay record.

[root@client ~]# tcpdump -r xxx.pcap -X
reading from file xxx.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
<-- snip -->
[root@client ~]# 
[root@client ~]# 
[root@client ~]# 
[root@client ~]# 
[root@client ~]# tcpreplay -i eth1 xxx.pcap
sending out eth1 
processing file: xxx.pcap
Actual: 10 packets (668 bytes) sent in 0.22 seconds
Rated: 29149.9 bps, 0.22 Mbps/sec, 436.38 pps

Statistics for network device: eth1
	Attempted packets:   10
	Successful packets:  10
	Failed packets:      0
	Retried packets:     0
[root@client ~]#