Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Lisp selective box ver 20151124?


(defun select-valid-cons (lst message)
  (when (typep lst 'list)
    (let (valid-values key-type)
      (format t "~A~%" message)
      (dolist (i lst)
	(cond ((typep i 'cons)
	       (format t "~A. ~A~%" (first i) (second i))
	       (cond ((null key-type)
		      (cond ((typep (first i) 'integer)
			     (setf key-type 'integer)
			     (push (first i) valid-values))
			     (setf key-type (first (type-of (first i))))
			     (push (first i) valid-values))))
		      (if (equal key-type (first (type-of (first i))))
			  (push (first i) valid-values)
			  (format t "The key type of ~A is not equal others, ignore this element.~%" (first i))))))
	       (format t "The type of ~A is not CONS, ignore this element.~%" i))))
      (do () ()
	(let ((value (if (equal key-type 'integer)
	  (if (member value valid-values :test #'equal)
	      (return (first (member value lst :key #'car)))
	      (format t "Your value ~A is not valid. Please select the correct one.~%" value)))))))

Both 0 and 1 are not integer on Lisp? - Shammerismの例があるので、項番に数字を使用した場合はtype-ofでなくintegerを明示的に指定するようにした。(type-of 0)と(type-of 1)はBITになってしまうが、(typep 0 'integer)も(typep 1 'integer)もTになる。


? (select-valid-cons '((1 "Apple") (2 "Banana") (3 "Orange")) "What is the most favorite fruits?")
What is the most favorite fruits?
1. Apple
2. Banana
3. Orange
Your value DAF is not valid. Please select the correct one.
Your value 0 is not valid. Please select the correct one.
(1 "Apple")