Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria



Land of Lisp を ClozureCL で - Shammerismで言及したLand of Lispだが、最初のプログラムは数当てゲームだった。1から100の中の任意の数をユーザーが決定し、コンピュータの示した数の方が大きい場合は「より小さく」という主旨のコマンドを、コンピュータ…

Land of Lisp を ClozureCL で

Lispについての本は少ない。見つけても結構古い。20世紀の本もチラホラあるくらいだ。使っていない人からしたら化石と思われていそうなそんな言語だが、オライリーからLand of Lispなる本が出た。 Lispを使う人間としては当然"買い"な本だが、残念なことに(?…

Resolve the message "No access configuration" of snmptrapd

In my article written at a couple of day ago, I could configure to receive snmp trap from other network devices or softwares. But, my configuration was not sufficient because of the message "No access configuration - dropping trap". This m…

Configure SNMP on Debian Jessie

I have configured SNMP on Debian wheezy before, but it is a very simple and basic. There is a memo in this article. I tried on same thing on Jessie, but snmptrapd doesn't seem to be installed. SNMP configuration procedure might be changed …

LISP IO Samples 20150820

LISP IO Samples 20120825 - Shammerismに一部追加。 File 読み込み (with-open-file (input-stream "$READ_FILE_NAME" :direction :input) (loop (let ((line (read-line input-stream nil 'eof))) (if (eql line 'eof) (return)) (format t "~A~%" line)))…

UDP Echo Client ver 20150816

My latest UDP Echo Client is written in this article. This client has informations about destination UDP Server, but it is more better to pass the destination informations as command line arguments. Today's client is upgraded based on this…

Python UDP Echo Server ver 20150813

This is an upgraded version of my python UDP Echo Server written in UDP Echo Server with python version 20150802 - Shammerism. Adding argparse and this version can be set listen port as the command line argument. #!/usr/bin/env python impo…

UDP Echo Server with python version 20150802

This is a upgraded python echo server of UDP Server by Python - Shammerism. Upgraded point is server side message to include client socket information. #!/usr/bin/env python import socket from contextlib import closing from time import cti…

SSH Mount on Mac


I found the way how to mount remote directories on Mac and noted the link in this article. But I didn't try it at that time, and do it today. It is easier than I thought. Install FUSE for OS X Install sshfs create mount point directory ssh…

SIP test on Debian

The deb package "sip-tester" has a command line tool named sipp, this would help to test SIP protocol. The server demo is by sipp -sn uas The client demo is sipp -sn uac $ServerIP


そのままズバリな名前の関数ではなかったのでメモ。ashという関数を使用する。 ? (ash 32 5) 1024 ? (ash 23 2) 92 ? (ash 32 1) 64 ? (ash 64 -1) 32 ? (ash 32 -5) 1 ? (ash 32 -6) 0 ? (ash 32 -7) 0 ? ashは引数を二つ取る。一つはもとになる数(この数に…

Theme change

I used 90 as hatena diary theme, but this is often collapsed. I have changed hatena-orange, it is more stable layout than 90.

DNS Bind Configuration Index

This is an index for configuring bind. Bind Install & Configuration on Debian - Shammerism Bind Logging Configuration - Shammerism Bind forwarder option - Shammerism DNS Bind zone file configuration - Shammerism DNS Bind SOA file - Shammer…

DNS Bind SOA file

This article is about the SOA files which is referenced from zone file described at DNS Bind zone file configuration - Shammerism's article. SOA file should have some elements. Here is a sample of the SOA of, defined as /etc/b…

DNS Bind zone file configuration

This is a consecutive article of DNS forward and delegate - Shammerism, about zone file location, not zone file itself. This file includes authority domain and type, it is a master or slave, and forwarder. The forwarder in this section is …


普通にformatを使ってファイルに~%を書き出そうとすると、~%でなく改行と認識されてしまい期待通りにならない。 ? (with-open-file (file "aaa.l" :direction :output) (format file "~%")) NIL ? これで書き出されたaaa.lは以下のように改行だけ(何も表示さ…


CommonLisp Hyper Specによれば、with-standard-io-syntaxは以下のように定義されている。 Within the dynamic extent of the body of forms, all reader/printer control variables, including any implementation-defined ones not specified by this stan…

Supporting SSL/TLS version changed on apache2

Adding SSLProtocol Directive to /etc/apache2/site-available/default-ssl like below. SSLProtocol +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2I can add this config to apache 2.2.22.


自作 concat - Ver20130205 - Shammerismで作成したconcatを定義したファイルを、.ccl-init.lispからloadしているが、別パッケージでこのconcatを使用するとエラーになることが判明。 ? (defpackage "P1" (:use "COMMON-LISP" "CCL" "COMMON-LISP-USER")) #<Package "P1"> </package>…

Clozure CL で load したファイルの返り値を受け取れるか

何らかの処理の書かれたファイルを読み込み、その返り値を受け取る、ということができないか試してみた。単純にloadしただけでは、ファイルのPATHが返されて期待した動作にならなかった。 ? (defparameter x (load "/tmp/aaaa.lisp")) X ? x #P"/tmp/…

Generate a certitifate and a private key of Any Servers


This is a next step of Generate a certitifate and a private key of OCSP Responder - Shammerism This step is similar with Generate a certitifate and a private key of OCSP Responder - Shammerism, but using openssl config file is different be…

Generate a certitifate and a private key of OCSP Responder


This is a next step of Generate a certitifate and a private key of intermediate CA - Shammerism According to OCSPの動作 - Shammerism, OCSP responder certificate requires following extensions. extendedKeyUsage = OCSPSigningSo, openssl confi…

Generate a certitifate and a private key of intermediate CA


This is a next step of Generate Root CA certificate whose extensions are equivalent as DigiCert Global Root CA - Shammerism Based on My CA preparation supporting OCSP - Shammerism, the certificate of intermediate CA should include OCSP URL…

Generate Root CA certificate whose extensions are equivalent as DigiCert Global Root CA


This is the following article of My CA preparation supporting OCSP - Shammerism. The first step is build up my own root CA. Article title includes But root CA is simple because there is no need both CRL Distribution Points and AIA when roo…

My CA preparation supporting OCSP


This is a next step of CRL vs OCSP - Shammerism. The OCSP test with openssl I did before in OpenSSLのOCSPはURLEncodeされたOCSPリクエストを処理できない?その4 - Shammerism, OCSP responder can not be implemented on normal web servers like apa…

"There is no public key available ..." when apt-get update

I forgot since when, my debian outputs the message like below when executing apt-get update. W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 9D6D8F6BC857C906 W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 763…



I investigate a little about certificates information generated by DigiCert which supports OCSP in the past, the article is OpenSSLのOCSPはURLEncodeされたOCSPリクエストを処理できない?その2 - Shammerism. And I failed enabling OCSP Stapling …

First try OCSP Stapling on Debian Jessie but failed

This is a subsequent article of Apache 2.4 bundled as default on Debian Jessie - Shammerism. I tested enabling OCSP Stapling on Apache. A lot of sites tell the way how to configure apache to enable OSCP Stapling, for example How To Configu…

Apache 2.4 bundled as default on Debian Jessie

I'm using Debian wheezy mainly, but Debian Jessie's apache version seems to be 2.4. And this version supports OCSP Stapling. I wrote about OCSP before, one of them is OCSPの動作 - Shammerism, it has passed about 2 years. But, Jessie's apac…



SSL証明書のDNがUS?仕様になっているので、日本仕様に変えたいと思って方法を調べていたら・・・スッカリ忘れていたが過去に自分でやっていた(OpenSSL の DName 項目変更 - Shammerism。これを参考にやってみたが、作成された証明書のDNが数字になってしまう…