Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Configure SNMP on Debian Jessie

I have configured SNMP on Debian wheezy before, but it is a very simple and basic. There is a memo in this article.
I tried on same thing on Jessie, but snmptrapd doesn't seem to be installed. SNMP configuration procedure might be changed between wheezy and jessie. Here is a Jessie's procedure.

  1. su -
  2. apt-get update
  3. apt-get install snmp
  4. apt-get install snmpd
  5. apt-get install snmptrapd

But, there are a lot of messages like below.

snmptrapd[648]: No access configuration - dropping trap

In my memory, snmptrapd can be run without adding any configurations on wheezy. But jessie is not same as wheezy. I have to research about this point.