Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Test connecting PostgreSQL DB from tomcat8

This is an continued article of PostgreSQL JDBC Driver on tomcat8 - Shammerism. There is a JSP tag library to connect Database and showing the search result. There are a lot of links, one of them is

I tested this tag library with using my tomcat8 and postgresql. Here is a procedures.

  1. Create DB on PostgreSQL
    1. Login DB Server
    2. su - postgres
    3. createdb TestDB
    4. psql TestDB
    5. CREATE ROLE test PASSWORD 'Password123';
    6. ALTER ROLE test LOGIN;
    8. GRANT SELECT ON TABLE testdata TO test;
    9. CREATE TABLE testdata ( id int, foo varchar(80), bar varchar(80));
    10. INSERT INTO testdata VALUES(10,'ABCDEFG','01234567890');
    11. \q
  2. Configure Datasource JNDI object on tomcat8
    1. open /etc/tomcat8/context.xml and add following Resource element
    2. copy correct JDBC Driver, more detail in my previous article
  3. Application implementation
  • web.xml should include the pointer of Datasource JNDI object
  • include jsp using sql tag library

The datasource JNDI object definition in context.xml should be below.

<Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container"
	      username="test" password="Password123" />

The resource-ref definition in web.xml which should be included war file is below.


And sample JSP is below.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="sql" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<sql:query var="rs" dataSource="jdbc/TestDB">
select id, foo, bar from testdata

    <title>DB Test</title>


  <table border="1">
<c:forEach var="row" items="${rs.rows}">
