Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150910
Bash Shell Script my pocket reference - 20150221 - Shammerismの内容に、ファイルの存在を確認する方法を追加。
if 文 sample
if basic
if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage: $0 [123]"; exit 1; fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then echo "You are number#1."; elif [ $1 -eq 2 ];then echo "You are number#2."; elif [ $1 -eq 3 ];then echo "You are number#3."; else echo "Invalid argument."; echo "Usage: $0 [123]"; fi
The file exists
if [ -e $HOME/bin ];then echo "$HOME/bin exists"; fi
The file does NOT exist
if [ ! -e $HOME/bin ];then echo "$HOME/bin does not exist"; fi
AND is -a
if [ $X = "a" -a $Y = "b" ];then echo "OK" fi
OR is -o
$ echo $X a $ echo $Z $ if [ -z "$X" -o -z "$Z" ];then echo "OK";fi OK $
for 文 sample
Shell Script
for i in `seq 1 5` do echo $i done
One liner
for i in `seq 1 5`;do echo $i;done
while read line; do // 各行ごとに何らかの処理を実施。 // 読み込んだ行は line に格納されている。 done < $TARGET_FILE
function substring(){ if [ $2 -lt 1 ];then echo "Usage: 2nd argument should be bigger than 1."; exit 1; elif [ $2 -gt $3 ];then echo "Usage: 3rd argument should be bigger than 2nd argument."; exit 1; elif [ $# -ne 3 ];then echo "$0 requires 3 arguments."; echo "1st argument is a string."; echo "2nd argument is a start point to cut."; echo "3rd argument is a last point to cut."; exit 1; fi result=`echo $1 | cut -c $2-$3` echo $result }
if [ $VALUE = "0" ];then echo "VALUE is 0"; else echo "VALUE is not 0"; fi
if [ -z $VALUE ];then echo "VALUE is blank." else echo "VALUE is $VALUE."; fi
# echo "0123456789" | cut -c 5-6 45 #
# printf 0123456789 | wc | awk '{print $3}' 10 #
$ ls -l *JPG | awk '{print $9}' > aaa;while read line;do mv $line "Prefix-$line";done < aaa;rm aaa; $
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "Pre command succeeded!"; else echo "Pre command failed."; fi
$ function1 && command1 $
$ function1 || command1 $
function1がワンライナーでsyntax errorがあったときには、この書き方ではcommand1は実行されなかった。