Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Install Debian wheezy with least software

I have installed Debian wheezy(7.4) several days ago.
At that time, I select GNOME Desktop Environment so there are many applications
which I will never use and I don't know how to use. Then, I re-installed Debian
wheezy(7.4) again at least software. This procedure is a little bit improved at Shammerism memo.

  1. insert net-install DVD into DVD Drive.
  2. start PC from DVD Drive.
  3. when wifi module required, insert USB drive saved wifi firmware.
  4. proceed installation steps.
  5. configure packet manager the nearest server.
  6. join popularity contest.
  7. at the software selection, select laptop and standard system utilities.
  8. install GRUB and reboot.
  9. login as root.
  10. execute following commands to check if wifi module is loaded, if any command returned output network device information to be expected, there is no problem.
  11. execute iwconfig and ifconfig, these commands check that OS recognizes wireless interface
  12. ip link set $wireless-if-name up
  13. iwlist scan | grep ESSID, search access point
  14. wpa_passphrase $TargetESSID $AccessPointPassPhrase(If using WPA2)
  15. vi /etc/network/interfaces, add follow lines and restart networking service by /etc/init.d/networking restart
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
        wpa-ssid $SSID

If there is no problem in wireless network configurations, this host would be received IP address from DHCP server. After getting IP address, install basic GUI softwares.

  1. apt-get update
  2. apt-get install gnome-terminal
  3. apt-get install gdm3
  4. apt-get install iceweasel
  5. apt-get install icedove