Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Sync Emacs configuration files ver 20140410

I have multiple environments to use Emacs and keep considering how to sync these configuration files. This is how to sync version 20140410. Login new environment and execute following commands, my Emacs configurations are built up.

  1. scp root@$BACKUPSERVERS:.skk* .
  2. cd $HOME/.emacs.d
  3. mkdir auto-install
  4. mkdir auto-save-list
  5. mkdir auto-saved-scratch
  6. mkdir hatena-diary
  7. mkdir lisp
  8. mkdir share
  9. mkdir themes
  10. scp root@$BACKUPSERVERS:.emacs.d/*.el .
  11. cd auto-install
  12. scp root@$BACKUPSERVERS:.emacs.d/auto-install/*.el .
  13. cd ../hatena-diary
  14. scp root@$BACKUPSERVERS:.emacs.d/hatena*/*.el .
  15. cd ../themes
  16. scp root@$BACKUPSERVERS:.emacs.d/themes/*.el .

My personal skk-dictionaries are $HOME/.skk-jisyo, $HOME/.skk-jisyo.bak, $HOME/.skk-record.
At the first time, sync these files. If I would remove any files at local, I have to remove them from $BACKUPSERVERS too.