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Radius Install & Basic Configuration

About this article

On Debian, there is a free package running Radius, named freeradius. This is an article to install freeradius and basic configuration.


Install is very easy. There is an apt package, so executing some commands complete the installation.

  1. apt-get update
  2. apt-get install freeradius
  3. apt-get install freeradius-utils

Basic configuration

Radius requires following configurations.

  • Defined radius user
  • Defined accepted network information
Define radius user

Edit /etc/freeradius/users. Here is an example to use Host user on Radius.

user01 Auth-Type :=System 
        Reply-Message = "User user01 logged in", 
        Service-Type = "Administrative-User", 
        Fall-Through = Yes

And adding the reject message.

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject 
        Reply-Message = "This account is disabled."
Define accepted network information

Edit /etc/freeradius/clients.conf. If office network segment is and accepted only authentication requests from office network, adding following contents to clients.conf.

client { 
  secret = $secret_word 
  require_message_authenticator = no 
Test authentication

There is a test radius client in freeradius-utils package. Here is a test authentication sample.

# radtest user01 password localhost 1812 testing123 
Sending Access-Request of id 144 to port 1812 
        User-Name = "user01" 
        User-Password = "password" 
        NAS-IP-Address = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
        NAS-Port = 1812 
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=144, length=48 
        Reply-Message = "User user01 logged in" 
        Service-Type = Administrative-User 