ちょっとしたお遊び。Lisp で HTML の簡易カレンダーを出力するプログラム。
(defparameter *weeks* 1) (defparameter *month* 1) (defparameter *date* 1) (defparameter *is-leap-year* nil) (with-open-file (f "calendar.html" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format f "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>") (format f "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">") (format f "<html>") (format f "<head>") (format f "<title>Calendar</title>") (format f "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>") (format f "</head>") (format f "<body>") (format f "<table border=\"1\">") (format f "<caption></caption>") (format f "<tbody>") (format f "<tr>") (format t "How many weeks?:") (do ((weeks (read) (read))) ((and (numberp weeks) (< 0 weeks)) (setf *weeks* weeks)) (format t "Invalid answer, How many weeks would you like to generate?")) (format t "From Month(1-12):") (do ((month (read) (read))) ((and (numberp month) (and (< 0 month) (<= month 12))) (setf *month* month)) (format t "Invalid input, try again(1-12):")) (format t "From Date(1-31):") (do ((date (read) (read))) ((and (numberp date) (cond ((member *month* '(1 3 5 7 8 10 12)) (and (< 0 date) (<= date 31))) ((member *month* '(4 6 9 11)) (and (< 0 date) (<= date 30))) (t ; Febrary (format t "Leap year(y/n)?:") (do ((answer (read-line) (read-line))) () (cond ((string= "y" answer) (setf *is-leap-year* t) (return (and (< 0 date) (<= date 29)))) ((string= "n" answer) (return (and (< 0 date) (<= date 28)))) (t (format t "Invalid answer, y or n with case sensitive:"))))))) (setf *date* date)) (format t "Invalid date, try again:")) (dotimes (i *weeks*) (dotimes (j 7) (format f "<th align=\"center\" width=\"200\">~A/~A(~A)</th>" (write-to-string *month*) (write-to-string *date*) (nth j '("日" "月" "火" "水" "木" "金" "土"))) (setf *date* (+ 1 *date*)) (cond ((and (eql *date* 29) (eql *month* 2)) (unless *is-leap-year* (setf *date* 1) (setf *month* 3))) ((and (eql *date* 30) (eql *month* 2) *is-leap-year*) (setf *month* 3) (setf *date* 1)) ((eql *date* 31) (when (member *month* '(4 6 9 11)) (setf *date* 1) (setf *month* (+ 1 *month*)))) ((eql *date* 32) (when (member *month* '(1 3 5 7 8 10 12)) (setf *date* 1) (setf *month* (mod (+ 1 *month*) 12)))))) (format f "</tr>") (format f "<tr>") (format f "<th align=\"center\" height=\"175\"></th>") (dotimes (j 6) (format f "<td align=\"center\"></td>")) (format f "</tr>")) (format f "</tbody></table></body></html>")) (quit)