Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria

Debian 7.9 installed into Lenovo X1 Carbon

I installed Debian wheezy 7.4 into my laptop and wrote the article, Lenovo X1 Carbon へ wheezy 7.4 をインストール - Shammerism. At that time, wifi firmware is located at the USB memory root directory. But, this location seems to be changed according to

At wheezy 7.4, iwlwifi files whose extension is ucode must be located in the root directory of a removable USB memory. But, 7.9 requires that ucode files must be saved at $RemovableUSBMemory/lib/firmware.

I had no idea about this change, so I couldn't install until I found this information. I will summarize the procedure how to install and set up my debian wheezy 7.9 on my laptop, Lenovo X1 Carbon. I try writing this article within a couple of day, though it seems to be a little bit hard for me.