This should be the action after Move EmacsConfig from Dropbox to GIT - Shammerism. Change Editor $ git config --global core.editor "/Applications/ -nw"On my Mac, this should be defined with full path. If deter…
This is a continuation of Move EmacsConfig from Dropbox to GIT - Shammerism. I modified some files getting from My GIT repository and executed following commands. git commit -v -a -m "Message about this commit" git push -u origin master Bu…
I use, and this is a procedure how to move EmacsConfig files to git repository of from Dropbox. Create repository on git clone https://$$bitbucketUserName/$…
これまで、セミコロンをsticky shiftとして使用してきた。KarabinarでFor JapaneseのChange Semicolon(;) Keyを開き、Semicolon to Sticky Shift_L(effective only when input source is Japanese)にチェックを入れることでこれをやっていたが、久々に起動し…
Debian Stretch Debut! - Shammerismの記事を書いたころだったろうか。MacからLinuxに本格的に移行しようと思ったものだったが、OSのせいではなくPCの問題かもしれないが、トラックパッドの使い心地やたまに発生するマウスポインタが勝手に移動する現象に遭…
In this article, I said that I would try Debian Stretch installing my Thinkpad. This is a procedure. Download ISO included non-free firmware from this site Burn this ISO into CD-R or DVD-R Boot from this CD-R or DVD-R Select Expert Install…
I have never been digging GoogleSpreadSheet, but this product(should say as service?) has great functions. I amaze Query. This function requires at least 3 parameters, 1st is the range, 2nd is a condition which values I would like to filte…
At Debian Stretch, Dropbox can be installed via apt-get. Before Jessie, a Linux user has to install Dropbox with the deb package file of dropbox whose name is like a dropbox_YYYY.MM.DD_amd64.deb. I wrote this step at Dropbox auto launch co…
I installed Debian Stretch on my Thinkpad X1 Carbon which I bought several years ago, same laptop as I wrote in this article. I have been waiting for a long time fixing GNOME desktop bug that natural scroll does't work properly. On this re…
I bought a new tablet ASUS Xen Pad 3 8.0 whose code is Z581KL. This is attached a right to expand google drive 100GB for 2 years. But I could not redeem it. Even if this is a first time to redeem it. In my research, there are several point…
本日カード到着!!!! もともとANAのVISAカードを使っていたが、何となくメインのクレジットカードを切り替えたいと思い、ANAのマイレージを貯める - Shammerismで言及したポイントカードでANAダイナースのキャンペーンを見つけたので申し込みをしてみた。そし…
I began to try Hatena Diary Plus a several days ago. My article layout is sometimes corrupted, but I have no idea about the reason. Just thought advertise banner makes my article layout broken, so trying Hatena Diary Plus and disabling adv…
AquaSKK has a function as skkserver. Enabling this function, DDSKK can use the dictionary which is used by AquaSKK. Following configuration required. AquaSKK Which dictionaries enabled at "辞書" section of AquaSKK 環境設定 At "その他", che…
I have tried to configure locale correctly before like How to fix set locale error? - Shammerism, but I was faced with the case that the way written in this article doesn't recover the locale. After editing /etc/environment, the following …
I wrote the article yesterday about auto-install.el error. But I found that auto-install.el was updated whose version is 1.5.8. I used 1.5.4. I have to replace this file with the new one. The link is here.
I forgot since when but I see the error message every time I launch Emacs, that means connecting;raw=1 failed. I tried connecting this URL with curl, it returns 301. $ curl -v http://www.…
What I would like to do I found How can I use launchd to run logout script | Discussion | Jamf Nation, and the way posted at 10/30/15 7:05 PM by Bruienne sounds good. His idea is invoking some script as a LaunchAgent which uses trap comman…
I don't remember when 3 finger drag doesn't work on my Mac. I used 3 finger drag to move application window, but this does't work suddenly, the day is ambiguous but maybe changed my Mac to EI Capitan from Mavericks. I found the reason why …
I wrote the contents about SLIME configuration as SLIME Configuration on my Debian - Shammerism, but it is an old one. So I re-write same contents with the latest environment. My current environment is: OS is Debian Jessie, uname -a result…
I understood that SHELL value OSTYPE returns the platform indicating current operating system. Then, I used this in my shell script but $OSTYPE always blank in my shell script even if $OSTYPE has a not blank value in Terminal. My script in…
Usually, I thought dpkg-reconfigure locales can fix the locale error but I faced with the case it can't be recovered with dpkg-reconfigure locales like ロケールを変更する - Shammerism. Here is a log. root@Server1:~# dpkg-reconfigure locale…
Summary After upgrade my Mac to El Capitan, my Emacs faced with the error which I have resolved with Resolved the issue of 2016-02-12 - Shammerism. I resolved this again and this is a memo for me. Reason Newer openssl symbolic link is not …
I would like to use curl latest version always, so I don't install curl via apt-get, install it from tar ball instead. But, I always see the following error message when executing curl. curl: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.s…
There is a command to create VMs in KVM, it is virt-install. This is an alternative of virt-manager which is a GUI management appliction for KVM to enable a lot of management operations for KVM host specified in creating VMs. For example, …
I wrote an article to install virt-manager into Debian Jessie for KVM host. Today's article is the description to install virt-manager into Debian Jessie but this is not KVM host, for operating KVM via remote accessing on virt-manager. Vir…
This is an first article to install KVM into Debian Jessie based on the, kicked this article by Ubuntu 16.10 doesn't boot on my server - Shammerism. After OS install with the smallest options, selected only stan…
I tried to install Ubuntu 16.10 on my office server, but there is no output on the screen. Install process seems to be good until installation done, but display doesn't show any characters after boot from HDD.I would like to use KVM for my…
今、Flets光とYahooBB(プレミアム)の契約をしている。しょっちゅう、Softbank光にしたら安くなりますよ的な案内があるので、ちょっと試算してみました。 まず、現在の利用料金ですが YahooBBプロバイダ料金 1566 フレッツ光利用料 5700 にねん割割引 -700 月…